Monday 23 July 2012


I am so grateful.

I realize that I have so much to be grateful for, and that it's unfortunate that sometimes I lose sight of just how much I have. I'm not just talking about physical possessions or 'stuff' either, I mean things like: my health; a family who loves me unconditionally; a husband who's support has been unwavering (even during the toughest times); friends who really see ME; the ability to feel safe enough to take chances. These are the things that if you are fortunate to have that you cannot lose sight of or take for granted. In the times where I'm not feeling well or feeling a little 'stuck in a rut', it is extremely helpful to remind myself of all of the things I have in my life to be grateful for. Now, this is not always easy, actually sometimes it feels impossible to do. But as hard as it might feel in the moment of darkness, a time always comes where I can remind myself that I am alright, and can begin again to see what is true. Weirdly enough, a lot of what I'm most grateful for is not the good stuff, it's going through the struggles I've had that have made me the person I am today. I know that every single one of my experiences has prepared me for the next step on this journey. And for that I am so grateful!

I haven't gotten to where I am right now on my own. I have had A LOT of help. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to admit that I needed a lot of help too (who doesn't?)! There is nothing wrong with coming to the realization that you need assistance. We are here, on this earth, for that very reason - to assist one another. I have been blessed with mentors and guides in my life that have helped to clear out the darkness and make room for the light. They have shown me that there is more to life than I once thought and they have empowered me to grow into the person that I came here to be. Never be afraid to ask for help. If the first person you ask doesn't work out, keep on asking. I can assure you that if you put the request out there - you will receive it. It doesn't always happen right away. Sometimes even it might even take months or years, but it will come! Look around at your life and focus on the things that you're grateful for, even if you can only think of one or two things, show your gratitude for them. The list will start to grow as you get used to looking through the perspective of being grateful. Tell the people in your life how much you appreciate them. Don't let another day go by without letting them know exactly how you feel. Life is a gift that we cannot take for granted. So, look around and realize all of the amazing things that you've experienced (good and bad) have happened so that you can become the person you came here to be. Be thankful for that because there is and always will be only one YOU! Celebrate your uniqueness and share it with others!

As my departure draws even nearer I am seeing everyday the impact that going on this trip is having, not only on my life, but in the lives of the people around me. I have been very pleasantly surprised at the overwhelming response and outpouring of love and support from family and friends. It is so empowering! With every hug I've received and every kind word of encouragement I am feeling so full of love which will enable me to pass it on to the women and children I'll be with in Kenya. I wanted everyone to know just how much your support means to me. I may be going there on my own, but I will have you all with me there in my heart!


xo Erin

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